Events Links Resources
Did You Know? was founded in 1996 as a source of information about marching band events.

Over time the site has grown to include an extensive listing of links to marching bands and a resource directory of services and supplies useful to marching units.

Home > Link To Us
Add a link from your site to

Text Link
To create a text link that looks like this:


Simply copy and paste this code:
<a href="">MARCHING.COM</a>
Text Link with Description
To create a text link that looks like this:

MARCHING.COM is a one-stop source of marching events, links, resources, news and photos. Find details of major parade and field competitions, links to marching bands on the net, and a directory of services and supplies for your marching band, color guard or drum line.

Simply copy and paste this code:
<a href="">MARCHING.COM</a> 
is a one-stop source of marching events, links, resources, 
news and photos. Find details of major parade and field 
competitions, links to marching bands on the net, and a 
directory of services and supplies for your marching band, 
color guard or drum line.
Logo Link
To create a graphic link that looks like this:

Simply copy and paste this code:
<a href=""><img 
border=0 width=150 height=30 alt="MARCHING.COM"></a>

Animated Link
To create a graphic link that looks like this:

Simply copy and paste this code:
<a href=""><img 
border=0 width=145 height=80 alt="MARCHING.COM"></a>