The Marching Emporium

DATE: Sunday, June 16, 1996
EVENT: Water Carnival Parade, Hutchinson, Minnesota
JUDGING BY: Encore Judging Association

                        | Total | Place |
                        |       |       |
CLASS A  - - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Benson                  |  57.0 |   1   |

CLASS AA - - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Litchfield              |  72.4 |   1   |
Waconia                 |  66.6 |   2   |
Winona Cotter           |  64.3 |   3   |
Dassel-Cokato           |  51.0 |   4   |

CLASS AAA  - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Irondale                |  73.5 | Grand |
Park Center             |  73.0 |   1   |
Osseo                   |  70.3 |   2   |
Henry Sibley            |  66.7 |   3   |
Albert Lea              |  65.1 |   4   |
Hudson (WI)             |  43.1 |   5   |

EXHIBITION - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|

GRAND CHAMPION: Irondale       

Thanks to Encore Judging Association for this information.

DATE: Sunday, June 16, 1996
EVENT: MACBDA Circuit Contest, Dakota, Illinois

                                | Total | Place |
                                |       |       |
CLASS A  - - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Green Beret (Janesville, WI)    |  47.7 |   1   |

CLASS AAA  - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Sound of Sun Prairie (WI)       |  75.1 |   1   |
Oregon (WI)                     |  58.2 |   2   |
Lighthouse Brigade (Racine, WI) |  55.3 |   3   |

EXHIBITION - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Phantom Regiment Cadets                                 

GUARD: Sound of Sun Prairie (8.6/10.0)
PERCUSSION: Sound of Sun Prairie (6.6)
DRUM MAJOR: Sound of Sun Prairie (7.9)

Thanks to Steve Powers for this information.

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