The Marching Emporium

DATE: Friday, June 28, 1996
EVENT: MACBDA Circuit Contest, Ft. Atkinson, Wisconsin

FIELD CONTEST                   | Total | Place |
                                |       |       |
CLASS A  - - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Dakota Marching Indians (IL)    | 53.80 |   1   |
Green Beret (Janesville, WI)    | 52.90 |   2   |

CLASS AA - - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Rocori (Cold Spring, MN)        | 63.80 |   1   |
Crimson Express (Murphboro., IL)| 61.80 |   2   |

CLASS AAA  - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Sound of Sun Prairie (WI)       | 82.60 |   1   |
Pride of the Lions (Regina, SK) | 81.10 |   2   |
Warren Junior Military Band (OH)| 71.60 |   3   |
Oregon (WI)                     | 69.50 |   4   |
Brigade of Racine (WI)          | 67.20 |   5   |

DRUM MAJOR: Sound of Sun Prairie
WINDS: Sound of Sun Prairie
GUARD: Sound of Sun Prairie
PERCUSSION: Regina Pride of the Lions

Thanks to Steve Powers for this information.

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